UNICEF — also known as the United Nations Children’s Fund — works in 190 countries to help the most vulnerable kids get access to clean water, education, safe housing, medical needs and more.
Their Inspired Gifts options include providing soap for schools and health centers, soccer balls or jump ropes so kids can exercise and play, and even a water pump to help a whole village have access to clean water. You can personalize your e-card to send to your loved-one, while the real gift will be sent to children most in need.
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Oxfam, founded in 1942, is a group of 19 different independent non-profit organizations that aim to alleviate global poverty by providing lasting solutions including sustainable livelihoods and access to essential services.
Their gift options include giving a goat to provide milk and fertilizer to a family, or a beehive and training on how to process and sell honey in local markets — and the e-card will bring a smile to the face of your loved-one too with their fun pictures and puns like “Season’s Goatings!”
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Choose Love have helped more than one million refugees and displaced people and raised tens of millions since launching five years ago.
Use their personalized e-card creator to send much-needed supplies from warm blankets to lifesaving search and rescue support to those in need, and a beautiful card and message to your loved-one.
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The World Wildlife Fund has a great option to send a gift to protect endangered animals to kids who would like to unwrap a gift too.
Through the WWF website, you can ‘adopt’ one of dozens of wild animals like a sloth, elephant, polar bear, or tiger. With the virtual adoption kit, the recipient receives an email in the theme of your chosen animal that can arrive in their inbox immediately. Or there’s an option for a cute plushy of the animal to be sent to your loved-one too.
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Friends of the Earth campaigns to protect the planet through political and community change to create a more just and progressive world.
Their simple e-card system let’s you choose your design, message and charitable contribution to help fund their planet-saving work.
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