
Friends Feed the Soul

In his latest letter to our community, Mr Feelgood co-founder John Pearson writes about being lifted by friendship.

He that is thy friend indeed,
He will help thee in thy need:
If thou sorrow, he will weep;
If thou wake, he cannot sleep:
Thus of every grief in heart
He with thee doth bear a part.
These are certain signs to know
Faithful friend from flattering foe

William Shakespeare, from The Passionate Pilgrim


Here at Mr Feelgood, weā€™re nearing our first monthā€™s end and we remain as driven and energized as when we first went live on August 19.

It has been and remains AWESOME!

However, the world has drawn figuratively (and literally here in California) EVEN darker of late, with the continued chaos of economic disparity, climate crisis, mega fires, severe political division, racial inequity. You name it, itā€™s happened or happening.

I think the majority of us are feeling exhausted, beaten up, confused, f***ing angry, and on some days, barely hanging on. I know that despite my zeal, my genuine joy in being one half of bringing Mr Feelgood to you, I have moments when I feel overwhelmed, deeply sad, powerless and frightened for our collective futureā€¦

BUTā€¦ what has been crystal clear to me, and what lifts and feeds my soul is THIS community and the love of friends. Iā€™m blessed with many friends in my life. I still have friends from the age of eight onwards that, though our lives could not be more different, remain as connected and reliant on each other as ever. I have various friend groups on Facebook and Instagram, WhatsApp, the list goes on. I have friends that I seldom see but when I do, we pick up exactly where we left off, whether decades or hours have passed. I have friends that I rely on to call me out on my s***, and those who lift me when Iā€™m in a funk. I have friends that I wish to deepen the relationship with if only time and effort allowsā€¦ thank God for friends!

So the reason Iā€™m banging on about friendship is two-fold, actually multi-fold! Firstly, last week, I called on my friend Gabriel Macht asking him to answer our ā€˜WTF isā€¦ā€ 20 questions. I was very honest in my request and gave him plenty of room to retreat, no feelings hurt.

But without hesitation, trusting in me and our vision for Mr Feelgood, he was on board and also delivered the most honest and compelling answers which, judging from our feedback, sent incredible ripples of positivity all around the world.

Marvelous stuff, truly marvelous!

Next, there is Kurt Iswarienko, my dear mate, ACE lensman and so much more. I shared my idea about remotely photographing Gabriel in NY, asking if heā€™d perhaps consider jumping to the helm? I neednā€™t haveĀ  been anxious about asking, as before I could finish my sentence, Kurt was IN and more so, full of the enthusiasm that informed a remarkable 24 hour process, about which he writes in detail this week on our site.

Not to be outdone, the boys from Buck Mason are the subjects of this weeks ā€˜WTF is ā€¦ā€™ 20 questions. Iā€™ve known and championed these men since first shooting their ad campaign, maybe five years ago. Like their product, they are quality human beings and truly passionate about their families, their brand, their staff, and their friends. Their gear is Stateside made and they were at the forefront of utilizing their manufacturing and distribution capabilities to produce masks for those in need on a one bought, one given model. They didnā€™t hesitate in stepping up. Great guys, great brand and friends that make you proudā€¦and inspire you to up your own game!

Another totally random meeting that lead to a new friendship is the story behind Alberto Perusset, whom I met as my local supermarket security guard but then discovered as a bonafide sage who offered me kindness and care at a hard time in my life .Ā  Alberto is a beacon of inspiration, simplicity and offers deeply resonating advice to all who encounter his spell ā€” ā€˜Zen and the Art of Albertoā€™.Ā  He also happens to be a world record holding, barefoot marathon runner, a veteran of 250 marathons and counting. An amazing man. We all need an Alberto in our lives.

And finally, Pete interviewed Doug Ellin, the quite brilliant writer/creator of HBOā€™s hitĀ show Entourage ā€” itā€™s a proper tale of celluloid drama, of entrepreneurialism, of the never linear journey to the top in this town (and the fairly regular, in a breath, slam back down to the bottom!) And of course of the enduring blessing and tangential journey of friendships in the world that is Hollywood, both on and off screen.

I have to end by saying that I am surprisingly as keen to make new friends as ever. I went through a period a few years ago when I just really wanted to shut up shop and lock that door. I thought thatā€™s just what happened at a certain age, that there was no more room to foster new alliances.Ā  I thought instead I would just pay heed and nurture those relationships already established, tried, tested and trusted. But that just didnā€™t work ā€” thereā€™s a natural energy, an emotional, intellectual burst that comes with the beginning of a new relationship, and if managed with respect and the correct intuitive balance, such friendships can really soar. And then who knows what can then be created?

Some of my most cherished friendships are ones that have blossomed in the last few years.Ā  Now thatā€™s exciting to me!

Thanks so very much to all of you for being with us.

Always with love.





John is a world-renowned male model who has been the face of countless leading fashion houses. During his 36-year modeling career he has also moonlighted as an actor, writer, restauranteur, editor, and producer. He co-founded Mr Feelgood to provide a safe space for candid discussion and sharing ideas.

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