
Famous Last Words to Help Guide Us in Life

The final words of these ten cultural icons — who have looked death square in the face and reacted with grace, bravery, dignity or even humor — could inspire us before it’s too late.

BOB MARLEY (1945-1981)

“Money can’t buy life.”

The music icon spoke the profound final words of wisdom to his son Ziggy on his deathbed in Miami, Florida.

Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton

SIR ISAAC NEWTON (1643-1727)

“I don’t know what I may seem to the world. But as to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore and diverting myself now and then in finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than the ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”

He was one of the most influential scientists of all time, and his final words were humble yet profound.

Steve Jobs in 2005 // 📸: The Mega Agency

Steve Jobs in 2005 // 📸: The Mega Agency

STEVE JOBS (1955-2011)

“Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.”

The Apple founder’s sister Mona Simpson revealed he faced death with the same awe as he brought to his life.

George Harrison (second from right) with The Beatles touch down with The Beatles in New York in 1964

George Harrison (second from right) with The Beatles touch down with The Beatles in New York in 1964

George Harrison (1943-2001)

“Love one another.”

The Beatles’ guitarist finished his life with a heartfelt message that captured his time on earth. He expressed his final wish to his wife and son before dying of lung cancer in 2001.

Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo

FRIDA KAHLO (1907-1954)

“I hope the exit is joyful and hope never to return.”

The final entry in the journal of the influential artist summed up the hope for peace in death.

Leonard Nimoy in 2011 // 📸: Gage Skidmore

Leonard Nimoy in 2011 // 📸: Gage Skidmore

LEONARD NIMOY (1931-2015)

“A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved in memory.”

The Star Trek star, famous for playing Mr Spock, posted this bittersweet message on Twitter before his death.

Jimi Hendrix // 📸: The Mega Agency

Jimi Hendrix // 📸: The Mega Agency

JIMI HENDRIX (1942-1970)

“The story of life is quicker than the blink of an eye. The story of love is hello and goodbye, until we meet again.”

The legendary guitarist’s final spoken words before a drug overdose were pragmatic, “I need help man, bad.” But the final line of a poem he wrote on his deathbed captured some of his final thoughts on life.

Joe DiMaggio in 1951

Joe DiMaggio in 1951

JOE DIMAGGIO (1914-1999)

“I finally get to see Marilyn again.”

Just before passing, the baseball legend captured the hope in death when he expressed his desire to be reunited with the love of his life, ex-wife Marilyn Monroe.

Oscar Wilde in 1892

Oscar Wilde in 1892

OSCAR WILDE (1854-1900)

“My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or the other of us has to go.”

The final words of the Irish writer in were filled with the wit with which he lived his life.

Humphrey Bogart

Humphrey Bogart


“I should never have switched from scotch to martinis.”

The hard-drinking Hollywood star uttered these final words to his wife and children a few seconds before succumbing to cancer.

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