
Fat Tony’s Feelgood Playlist

As we rise from the forced isolation of the pandemic, DJ Fat Tony shares his favorite uplifting tunes in a playlist created exclusively for Mr Feelgood.

As music and party venues cautiously reopen post pandemic, many of us feel ready to be united on the dance floor once again.

Music often has impact way beyond the limits of words — it can be a soothing balm, a call to action, a portal for inspiration and an unbridled best friend and confidante. And how we’ve missed the experience of sharing music together, and the sense of communion that brings.

Iconic London DJ Fat Tony, who has spinned the decks for the celebrity A-list, cream of the fashion industry, and even royalty around the world, knows a thing or two about creating the soundtrack to a joyous night.

So following on from our well-received interview with Tony in our last edition, the DJ — real name Tony Marnach — has shared a playlist with our community for the perfect, feelgood evening.

“Music is the best drug in the world,” Tony says. “It can transport you to the past, the present and the future. Just close your eyes and listen, embrace the melody and allow the music into your soul. It’s guaranteed to change the way you feel.”

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