How to Help the People of Ukraine

These charities are appealing for donations from those wanting to do their bit to support victims of the Russian invasion.

As we reach the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, we have all been appalled by the continuing horrors of war and the abhorrent and indiscriminate targeting of civilians including women, children, and the most vulnerable.

We have also been inspired by the courage and resolute defiance of the incredibly brave Ukrainian citizens, who although facing a formidable enemy force, refuse to give up their hard-earned sovereignty.

There has been an incredible show of support from groups from all over the world. And for those looking for ways to help, we have updated our list of verified charities who are focussed on getting aid to those most in need.



BlueCheck Ukraine identifies, vets, and fast-tracks financial support to Ukrainian NGOs, creating a pass through to ensure donations to the country get to the people who need it most. Since it was launched by ‘Ray Donovan’ star Liev Schreiber and partners including Ropes and Gray law firm in March 2022, BlueCheck has funded several grassroots, frontline operations including the Lviv Philharmonic Orchestra, who transformed their concert hall into a relief hub. Learn more about BlueCheck Ukraine in Liev’s Mr Feelgood interview.



United24 was launched by President Volodymyr Zelensky in May 2022 as the official fundraising platform of Ukraine. Funds raised are distributed into three key areas: defense and demining, humanitarian and medical assistance, and the reconstruction of Ukraine — and donors can choose which of these categories they would like their contribution to go. The president set up the fund to ensure those who wanted to help could donate directly to the country. Liev Schreiber, who is of Ukrainian descent, is among the charity’s high-profile ambassadors, alongside football star Andriy Shevchenko, heavyweight boxing champion Oleksandr Usyk, and more.




Children are the least responsible for armed conflict in Ukraine, but they suffer most from its consequences. Fighting has taken an increasingly heavy toll on Ukraine’s civilian population — including 510,000 children. Unicef are providing psychological support, mine risk education, mine victim assistance, and other protective services to children in Ukraine, offering community-based services to displaced and host communities. Your 100% tax-deductible donation will help UNICEF ensure that Ukraine’s children have access to safe water, nutrition, health care, education and protection. Less than 3% of funds go to administrative costs.



Since its formation in 2014, Come Back Alive has become the largest foundation providing support to the Ukrainian Armed Forces by funding purely defensive initiatives including immediate necessities like food, supplies, and technological software. They also offer courses for medical care workers, artillerymen, and defense analysts. It also provides support for returning frontline troops with sports rehabilitation and the development of veteran-run businesses. Come Back Alive prides itself on its mission and core values and its finances are fully transparent and can be viewed on its web portal.




Teams have been on the ground in Ukraine, delivering assistance to at-risk families including providing food, fuel for heating, medical supplies, and support for housing. Under mortal danger to themselves, Red Cross teams are still working tirelessly to help people and communities impacted by conflict. Around the clock, teams are providing emergency aid amid fear and uncertainty.




Founded over a decade ago by Chef Jose Andres, the non-profit WCK has been on the ground running food serving thousands of fresh meals to Ukrainian families. They have also provided food to refugee camps in neighboring countries like Poland and Romania. Tried and tested in multiple crisis and natural disaster scenarios, they build resilient food systems using locally-led solutions, setting up kitchens at multiple entry points and providing financial resources to cooks within Ukraine to help feed their countrymen.




Women are a vital part of CARE’s community-based efforts to improve basic education, increase access to quality health care, and expand economic opportunity for all. CARE works in over 100 countries, reaching more than 90 million people through 1300 projects. Regarding the catastrophe in Ukraine, CARE aimed to reach four million people with immediate emergency assistance, focussing its efforts on supporting women and families fleeing the violence by providing food, water, shelter and hygiene kits. CARE ave been operating for 75 years.


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